Cold Fire Super Systems

On-Board Driver Protection System
SFI Specification 17.1 DOES NOT require or regulate On-Board Driver Protection Systems.
Why you need Cold Fire Super Systems On-Board Driver Protection System in your car:
1. The only System designed to provide Driver Protection against fire.
2. The only System designed to provide 30 seconds of precious time.
3. ColdFire® can be sprayed directly on the driver without any harm.
4. ColdFire® is non-toxic, non-corrosive, and biodegradable.
5. Quick and simple kit installation, with drawings, manual, and videos.
6. Flexible, narrow tubing enables it to be installed in and around the Driver space.
7. Push button will allow the driver to manually activate the system.
8. No electricity required; the system will always be there for your protection.
9. Pressurize with only 175 psi of Nitrogen gas. DO NOT use compressed air because it is 21% Oxygen.
10. Simple design easy to maintain, almost no installation limitations.
11. Automatically activates at hottest point.
12. The only system to exclusively provide driver fire safety.
13. ColdFire® encapsulates the hydrocarbons, isolating the fuel can help minimize injuries.
14. ColdFire® agent helps cool the driver and the surrounding area, to help minimize burns.
15. Important, practical, and cost-effective fire safety solution.
16. The Only Automatic On-Board Driver Protection Systems with manual override button.
17. Operational from 120 °F to 32 °F, for below 32 °F use All-Season Mix.
18. ColdFire® is unaffected by moisture intrusion unlike dry powder systems.
19. ColdFire® is effective against Class A, B, and D Fires.
20. System discharges the ColdFire® (90% – 93%) in approximately 30 seconds.
21. On-Board Driver Protection System are designed to work in almost any orientation.
22. A 6-year initial field service life (Monthly, Yearly, and Five-year Inspection Plan)
23. Systems can be re-filled, only using Cold Fire Super Systems pre-mixed refill kits, and replacement parts.
24. The On-Board Driver Protection System will provide a curtain of cooling ColdFire® suppressant on and
around the driver.
25. The On-Board Driver Protection System to detect the fire at the source, quickly, efficiently and automatically.
26. ColdFire® is listed by the Environmental Protection Agency under their SNAP Program Vender list as an
acceptable alternative to Halon 1211 and 1301. Suppressant shall be non-toxic, non-corrosive, and
27. On-Board Driver Protection System can provide the driver a margin of safety against fire, found nowhere