Motor homes large or small need Automatic Fire Suppression Systems to protect the occupants from sudden and usually hidden fires. Uncontrolled fire causes around 20,000 Motor Home fires annually and totally destroys around 6300 Motor Homes and kills around 20 RV enthusiasts per year. Most Motor Home have several places that need to be protected where unseen fires can start.
- The truck chassis engine compartment whither gas or diesel
- The back of the refrigerator if propane gas
- The generator engine compartment whither gas or diesel
- The hot water heater compartment if propane gas
- Storage Trailer or area if fuels or other combustibles are kept
Cold Fire Super Systems have Automatic systems designed for all your Motor home fire safety needs. Our systems can be monitored either with a wired panel or a Bluetooth sensor to your smartphone or table.
Palm Bay Fire Rescue Station 6-C shift responded to a report of a large RV fire on Sunday morning 1-8-2023. According to reports, Palm Bay Fire received help from Station 4 crew members.
After finding the source of the fire, members were able to handle the problem without making the RV a total loss. “No injuries were reported,” said a Palm Bay Fire spokesperson. (PBFR image)